ha! me? stable?! never! well, sort of! At least for a month or two I know what I'm doing! I just found out that I have got the job up in Whitehaven which is the top of England near Scotland so I am going to be employed for my first few weeks in england before starting uni in september! Yay!! Very happy about that, start the 26th of July. So my first week will be in london getting all my paper stuff sorted out, getting a bcg vaccination, doing some mandatory training and other bits and bobs.
Can't tell you too much right now about the place - I know its country, by the sea and rural. The job involves some clinical and community, lots of driving around the entire county of Cumbria, probably lots of diabetes patients. Should be good regardless. I'm just happy to have work to go straight to.
I am happy for you that this has come through, though sad you will be leaving us. I like your new blog photo as well. Blessings, Warwick