Its been a big week or two for my family. By the end of the year our family will be spread out on both hemispheres, in at least 4 different continents and a couple different states in Australia. Aaron got engaged, to be married in Canada later this year. My parents have returned to Africa and are in South Africa at the moment. They had picked up their car from customs after shipping it from Australia and were 220km away from Durban on the way to Johannesburg when the piston collapsed in the engine and it exploded so the car is on the side of the road somewhere being pulled apart and hopefully being put back together again in a way that will allow it to work without any future issues.
Mirrors at west kirby beach |
Me? Well I'm really really enjoying Liverpool, making great friends and an awesome church network here which has surprisingly left me feeling like Liverpool is my 'base' in England! If I was to find more work here I would definitely take it and stay for a while. There is a temporary full time (1 year) position running at the Royal Hospital in Liverpool so I'm going to apply for that and see what happens. I would love to get more involved in music while living here, such an awesome vibe in this city.

My days (and nights) are being filled with French tutoring, random pub dinners and french films, running, connect group, music practice and then dancing as much as possible - preferentialy till day light! :) Sundays are definitely a highlight as there is such a great community between the young adults at the church I'm going to. Afterwards everyone heads out somewhere for lunch and then often keep hanging out all day after that whether to play pool, explore cathedrals, walk the docks or just chat over lots of cups of tea and cake. If I was to stay in Liverpool I'd definitely need to move closer because I am there all the time!
I went down south to Chester last weekend I think and had a bit of a look around there, its a bit of a cute town with a little bit ofa river and a wall going around. The weather warmed up nicely as well where you didn't need to wear a jacket or jumper so that was nice.
The river at Chester |
In terms of dietetic work, the locum game is a waiting game as always! It fluctuates from day to day. I'm really enjoying working in the oncology wards and sets actually. I was thinking the other day that if I was to gain more experience in this area it would be great because it is just a bit more specialised and opens up further opportunities else where. And also, if I am to get into international nutrition work, it would also be relevant because of the nutrition support and common symptoms present.
I definitely finish at Clatterbridge on the 15th after which I'm going to Manchester to fly over to Switzerland to catch up with my long time friend Rachel for a few days, then back to Liverpool for a young adults conference through the church. I was in Manchester a couple of weekends ago to catch up with my old house-mates for their new house-warming party themed 'rubix cube clothing'. So much fun :)
My favourite lambanana so far |
Once Easter has past, at this point I'm not really sure what I'll be doing or where I'll be living. I'm learning to accept a bit more help though, and have been offered a couple of places to stay in the area too so that is good to know. As always I am overwhelmed with options. These options (currently as of 27/3/11) being Liverpool, England (anywhere as a locum), London (uni and locum), Switzerland (medair training and then somewhere overseas) and most recently Singapore!!
'unbalanaced' picture of the anglican cathedral |
I have so far made it into step 2 of 3 of an application to work with Medair, a Christian relief work agency who work particularly in Afghanistan, Sudan, Haiti and Zimbabwe. If I pass this next step I will be completing training with them in June (in Switzerland) and be placed overseas after that.
The modern Catholic Cathedral aka tepee |
I've also put in my application for London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to complete their MSc Public Health Nutrition. It's similar to the MSC I'm registered to attend this year at the University of Westminister, just better.
Where I live at the moment |
Singapore is the most recent option of somewhere I could go next. I was out last night at a pub in town watching a couple of bands when I got a call in response to a CV I'd emailed to say they are interviewing this week in London, I've been short-listed, and could I attend. I can't really remember much about the job to be honest. I think it's full time, for the Ministry of Health in Singapore so clinical dietetics. So I'll be in London briefly this week on Tuesday evening for that then back up for early Wednesday morning back to work.
famous icecream in parkgate |